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Uso: Aliens And Ufos In The Abyss

Uso: Aliens And Ufos In The Abyss

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Unidentified Submersible Objects are the new UFO. USOs traverse the skies but also traffic in the ocean's depths seemingly outside our current understanding of the laws of physics. USOs exhibit no discernible propulsion system, maneuver in and out of water at unfathomable speeds with seemingly no resistance. The phenomenon has captured the attention of the main stream media with the USS Nimitz encounter, but in truth, has been mystifying military factions for decades. Multiple questions arise with these objects. What are they, where do they come from? Who is operating them and can they be captured or destroyed? Are they from another dimension, or a civilization living among us now, hidden from us under the canopy of our own oceans? the only thing we know now is that they are real and they are here.

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