Thirteenth Floor Elevators - Never Come Down: 23 Cuts
Thirteenth Floor Elevators - Never Come Down: 23 Cuts
13th Floor Elevators ?- Never Come Down The 13th Floor elevators were America's only psychedelic band. All other supposedly 'psychedelic' bands were in truth either country bands on acid (eg. Grateful Dead), blues bands that drank too much (for example The Doors, Moby Grape) or pop bands out of their depth (for example The Monkees). This album cobbles together a collection of studio tracks, most of which are yet to see the light of day. Other tracks were repackaged 'officially' into a fake 'live' album with crowd applause added in. This boot has those tracks as they were originally recorded. If you are into the 'psychedelic scene' then this album is for you. If you are into the '13th Floor Elevators' then this album is essential. This was once a bootleg release. Tracks 1-8: Gold Star Studios, Houston, TX June 1966 - Tracks 9-17: Summit Sounds Studios, Dallas, TX Oct. 1966 - Track 18: Andrus Studios Houston, TX Jan. 1967 - Tracks 19-21: Andrus Studios Houston, TX Sept. 1967 - Tracks 22-23: I.A. Studios Houston, TX March 1968