The Girl In The Shell
The Girl In The Shell
Reiji Tokisaka is a hard-boiled private detective who is investigating a series of grotesque murders on the request of the Tokyo police. The murders involve amputated human limbs mysteriously showing up around a girls' school campus. Later, Reiji meets Touko Kuchiki, a student from Ouba Girls Academy who hires him to find her 'real self.' Reiji is unsure of what she means, but soon finds out that Touko may have some insight into the current string of serial killings and how they relate to a strange painting at a local museum. While working to solve the growing number of murders, Reiji takes some time to get to know Touko and her friends while working behind-the-scenes to unravel the mysteries of her dark past. Absolutely Not For Children! (New English Dub!/ Includes Japanese language with English subtitles/ Adult Anime 2 Episodes)