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Burnt Progress

Soundspecies - Soundspecies EP

Soundspecies - Soundspecies EP

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Generally based in London, Sound species encompasses a collective of friends and different projects, with the momentum and focus coming from a family connection; Four brothers raised with a jamboree of musical instruments for toys learnt a love for jamming and creating sounds from an early age... Fast forward through developing years... Henry gettin' busy with beats and decks and sussing the London scene - Olly playing lots of bass in bands + training in music recording, composing and acoustics at Salford uni, Manchester - Nat working hard and playing hard on his guitar - Barnaby composing and playing sax in various bands then travelling and suckling inspiration in Brazil, Morocco, borneo... expanding the family until the whole world is our friend... Music is a universal language, a communication with like minds... fellow soundspecies worldwide. This is the first artist project to be born from the legendary CD-R sessions!
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