Smart Boating Series - Aids to Navigation
Smart Boating Series - Aids to Navigation
Few things can be more intimidating to any boater than the systems of buoys and beacons that decorate our waterways. Making sense of it all isn't really hard once you know how to look at the system from a different perspective. By looking at the big picture and breaking the system down, you'll get a better understanding of just why these markers and buoys are where they are and have a better handle on how to make sense of them. Join Captain Steve on a tour of both lateral and non-lateral aids to navigation, regulatory markers and the systems of both the Intracoastal Waterway and the Western Rivers. Subjects covered include: Lateral Aids, Characteristics, Non-Lateral Aids, Intracoastal Waterway Marks. Bonus Materials - the Bonus Material section can only be accessed via your computer. Please insert the disc into your drive and navigate to the folder named "Bonus Materials". Bonus Material includes: Beaufort Wind Scale, Nautical Chart Symbols & Abbreviations, Homeland Security Warning, Nautical Dictionary, Navigational Aids Chart, Pre-Departure Checklist, Printable Float Plan, PWIA Environmental Guide, PWIA Riding Rules, State Towing Laws, Survival Kit, Types of PFD, USCG Rules of the Road, Vessel Fuel Log, VHF Marine Radios Frequencies.