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Deathbomb Arc

Signor Benedick the Moor - Negro

Signor Benedick the Moor - Negro

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Combining virtuoso rapping with his background as a multi-instrumentalist, Signor Benedick the Moor creates music thateffortlessly taps into the sound of many genres. The theatricalityof his Shakespeare referencing name reveals itself most in hiscomplex, lengthy, and heady compositions. Making an impressivedebut at the age of just 19, he immediately captured the attentionof The Guardian UK & The Needle Drop. Deathbomb Arc's formal release of 'El Negro' adds the bonus track "h8 everyone [Enter TheBlack Prince]". This hiphop tribute to pop goth groups like The Cureis not only unlike anything out there, it is also Signor Benedick TheMoor's catchiest track yet.
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