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Dfa Records

Shit Robot - 5 Songs

Shit Robot - 5 Songs

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Inspiration can come at you fast, even after yearsgardening in the countryside.Marcus Lambkin aka Shit Robot is as original DFA asthey come: a dyed in the wool Dublin rave kid turnedadopted New Yorker, the former co-owner of earlyDFA watering hole Plant Bar, and one of the guys whoshowed the uptight indie contingent how to neck an E,love techno and lose their marbles on a dance floor.But after three albums, countless twelves, and DJgigs around the world, where do you go? If you'reMarcus, you go gardening, retreating to a quiet life inthe German countryside, occasionally DJing for yourfriends in LCD Soundsystem when they invite you toopen a week's worth of shows, and working on musicwhen you can. Y'know, life stuff.So, it took awhile, but eventually new songs landedon the proverbial desk at DFA HQ. There were roughand tough. The Robot had returned and he was goingstraight for the chugular.After all that, finishing the record was like lightning ina bottle. A few days fleshing things out with Al Doyle(of Hot Chip, LCD Soudnsystem) in London. Vocalsadded from Suzi Horn (of Prinzhorn Dance Schoolon the leadoff) and Warmduscher's Mutado Pintado.A razor-sharp mix of the whole thing from JamesMurphy at DFA in Brooklyn.Five tightly wound, unfussy, completely diabolicaldance tracks. The gardener shall have his revenge.It's time to lose those marbles all over again.
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