Pilgrim Travelers - The Best Of The Specialty Years 1948-56
Pilgrim Travelers - The Best Of The Specialty Years 1948-56
The Pilgrim Travelers - The Best Of The Specialty Years 1948-56 / It's a collection which spans the era when they were at the height of their powers. The Pilgrim Travelers were a gospel group founded in Texas in the 1930s, who modelled themselves on groups like The Soul Stirrers and Golden Gate Quartet. Under the direction of their influential manager J.W. Alexander, they developed their own style known as "Walking Rhythm", with the microphone picking up the percussive sound of their foot-tapping, to go along with their extrovert "church-wrecking" style of 'live' performances, featuring their noted vocalists Keith Barber, Kylo Turner and Jesse Whitaker. This 56-track 2-CD collection comprises selected A and B sides of their releases on the Specialty label during this era, and features many of their most renowned recordings, including "Now Lord (Yes, My Lord)", "Jesus", "Than k You Jesus", "Jesus Met The Woman At The Well", "Mother Bowed" and "Wonderful Time Up There". It's a collection which spans the era when they were at the height of their powers and popularity, and captures the spirit and style of their very particular and distinctive approach to gospel performance.