Pallas - Messenger
Pallas - Messenger
'The Messenger', the album that many believed would never be made, is here... and about to blow your socks off! Forty years ago a band from Aberdeen recorded, not one, but two of the seminal albums of the 80's. Now the classic Pallas line-up returns with 'The Messenger', an album that takes the preoccupations of that earlier age, and brings them right up to date. Where 'The Sentinel' echoed the concerns of the cold war and the shadows it cast on all of us, 'The Messenger' finds the band reacting to the existential threats to the world we find ourselves in - from what we've done to the world, to the politics that shape it. This is an album that repays countless listens. With 'The Messenger', Pallas have created a rich musical tapestry which weaves back and forth from environmental concerns to a cold war grown hot once again, and the seeming inability of our leaders to do anything but pour fuel on the flames. Capturing the bleakness that many of us feel at how the world continues to turn, it nevertheless contains hope. A light in darkness, that all may not be lost. There is no outside help. No Sentinel to save us, this time the solution lives within us all! Pallas have managed the seemingly impossible - updating their sound without losing track of what gives them their identity. This album is dark, yet uplifting; it rocks out, yet has moments of tenderness and wonder. This is, without doubt, the album of their career.