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Maerzfeld - Alles anders - Fanbox

Maerzfeld - Alles anders - Fanbox

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Ltd. Edition Fanbox (Bandana, sticker, sunglasses, autograph card). Maerzfeld started as a Rammstein tribute band. They soon started recording their own material, here comes their fifth studio album. ('"Alles anders") Everything is different, is the deliberately striking title of the new Maerzfeld album.The world is no longer the same as it was 3 years ago and also for the musicians there were formative experiences and associated changes, which are processed in the new songs and allow an often very personal insight into the emotional life of the individual artists.So you can hear and feel a mixture of depression, hope, anger, despair, joy and courage. Maerzfeld makes it clear right at the beginning of the album with the title song that the band looks curiously to the future and understands change as a chance to break with habits. Therefore, in a positive sense, "Everything is different" now.
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