Mads Tolling & the Mads Men - Playing The 60S
Mads Tolling & the Mads Men - Playing The 60S
Two-time Grammy Award-winning violinist Mads Tolling releases [!-bold -]Playing the 60s[!-] on his label Madsman Records. He is joined by his quartet, legendary bassist Stanley Clarke and guest vocalists Kenny Washington, Spencer Day and Kalil Wilson. In harkening back to the swaggering optimism of the early 1960s, Tolling draws on material from the era evoked by the award-winning AMC series [!-italic -]Mad Men[!-]. Focusing on television themes such as "Hawaii 5-0" and "Meet the Flintstones," iconic film scores such as "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" and classic hit recordings including "Georgia On My Mind," Mads Tolling and his Mads Men display a consistent knack for rebranding instantly familiar tunes by setting them to new grooves. With [!-italic -]Playing the 60s[!-], Tolling has delivered a timeless statement that puts a classic era, and jazz violin itself, in a whole new light.