Klaus Grobe Johann - Io Tu Il Loro
Klaus Grobe Johann - Io Tu Il Loro
Six years have passed since Swiss-based duo Klaus JohannGrobe's last long player "Du bist so symmetrisch" (2018) andyou'll hear they've come a long way. "Io tu il loro", their fourthalbum for Chicago-based Trouble In Mind Records was writtenover two weeks in a cabin at the very end of a remote Swissvalley, where - pretty much at the same place - Klaus JohannGrobe came up with their whole debut full-length "I'm Sinne derZeit" album in 2014. What started out as simply making musicagain quickly turned into seriously making a new album. Oncedecided, the whole thing was finished rather quickly andrecorded once again at David Langhard's Dala Studio at theend of 2022. "Io tu il loro" is a record that cannot be done by endlesslyfiddling around with hundreds of ideas and sounds. All it neededwas a real break (Dani and Sevi didn't work on any Groberelated stuff until they met up in the mountains in 2022). It's analbum with a blurry vision and soft limitations.