K-9: The Complete Series
K-9: The Complete Series
This kid-and-family sci-fi/comedy spinoff from the hugely popular Doctor Who series, features his longtime robot pet dog, K-9, as reimagined by Doctor Who creator Bob Baker. K-9 is a cybernetic construct from the 50th century with the appearance of an earth dog. He arrives travels to the 21st century, arriving at the London home of Professor Gryffen, a renowned scientist working on the Alien Space-Time-Manipulator (STM), which can open a portal to anywhere in space and time. When alien warriors attack Gryffen and two teenagers - Starkey, a homeless rebel, and Jorjie, an intelligent young girl, K-9 self-detonates to save them, but is soon regenerated thanks to a device implanted in his mainframe. The new-look K-9 can fly and has more capabilities than ever before. However, he has lost his long-term memory, and so begins a quest to not only protect humanity but also to discover more about his time- and space-travelling past.