J. Heinichen / Batzdorfer Hofkapelle - Italian Cantatas & Concertos
J. Heinichen / Batzdorfer Hofkapelle - Italian Cantatas & Concertos
Most listeners today would say with confidence that the Baroque era was dominated by the towering figures of J.S Bach, Handel and Vivaldi. However, scholars of the period would disagree. In fact, Johann Mattheson coined the phrase "three important H's of German music" to describe Handel, Hasse... and Johann David Heinichen. Although the music of Heinichen has enjoyed a modest Renaissance in recent years, much of his output still remains obscure and under-explored. Heinichen's compositions are emblematic of the cultural riches of the reign of King Augustus the Strong of Saxony. This recording featuring the Batzdorfer Hofkapelle features a selection of Heinichen's Italian-inspired Cantatas and Concertos. The vocal soloists are soprano Marie Friederike Schöder and alto Terry Wey.