J.C. Bach / Gorini - Art of Fugue
J.C. Bach / Gorini - Art of Fugue
The Italian pianist Filippo Gorini took advantage of the world health crisis to immerse himself in The Art of Fugue, Johann Sebastian Bach's unfinished mystical masterpiece: 'The view that it should be seen solely as a theoretical marvel is misguided: as the counterpoints and canons evolve in formal complexity, so does their emotional tension, until the heartbreaking mystery of the unfinished Fuga XIV', says the young pianist, winner of a Borletti-Buitoni Trust prize in 2020, whose first two albums for Alpha have been very well received (Diapason d'Or, 5 Stars in BBC Music Magazine etc. ). In parallel with the release of the disc, Filippo Gorini will launch a website (www. TheArtOfFugueExplored. Com), with a documentary series featuring conversations with personalities, films about Bach's work and more. The young pianist has even gone so far as to write poems and haikus about the work: 'We pray in trepidation, / When the blessed night is here... '