Set in Washington DC, Homecoming is the funny, but poignant story of five friends who attended Hayward University, a Historically Black University, together in the late 1990's. The members of the group, now in their late-thirties, have kept in touch over the years, but have drifted somewhat apart. While gathering for Homecoming weekend at the house that was once their off-campus dorm, news of one member's recent death forces the friends to reflect on the past; rekindle relationships; reveal secrets; and redefine their lives. Professor Hill Hadley and his wife Leslie host the weekend at Eleanor Roosevelt House, the group's old off-campus dorm, that they bought, renovated, and now reside in; their daughter Ashley recently left for college, so they are now empty-nesters and trying to relive their college years by inviting their friends to stay at "Eleanor" for Homecoming weekend - the visitors are: Deena Scott, a famous Hollywood television writer, who has her career down pat, but not her love-life; Dr. Barrett Wallingford, a successful psychologist, who dated Deena in college; and Abby Long, an Afrocentric bi-racial social worker who lives in Brooklyn with her young son. When Abby asks the members of the group if they can chip in for their deceased friend's funeral (who was also the father of her child), the mood changes and issues from the past resurface.