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Wergo Germany

Hindemith/ Mauser - Das Klavierwerk Vol V

Hindemith/ Mauser - Das Klavierwerk Vol V

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Paul Hindemith's works for piano have been completely released on CD now, with Siegfried Mauser as pianist. "Hindemith's Klaviermusik op. 37 shows the way", wrote Eberhard Preuner already in 1927, "strict thematic forms are combined with sweeping improvisational lines, melody is pitted against melody, everywhere you hear a style derived from pure chamber music." The individual movements of the "Tanzstücke" op. 19 have clearly more the character of ballet music than that of a sequence of popular dances. Parallel fourths and sevenths clusters as well as parallel shifts of entire chords in the foreground are earmarks of Hindemith's textural technique in the early 1920s.
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