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Dying Victim Product

Hexenbrett - Erste Beschworung

Hexenbrett - Erste Beschworung

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Hexenbrett is an entity that provides cemetery sounds exclusively. The first invocation, fittingly entitled Erste Beschwörung, is a sample of what will follow in the future. Roaming ancient dungeons with sword in one hand and torch in the other, Hexenbrett conjures the madness and mysticism of olde-worlde black metal, when unorthodoxy was celebrated and no blueprints yet existed - only paths to be blazed! Indeed does Hexenbrett blaze across this four-song/19-minute offering, remaining firmly rooted in the purest metals but fanning those flames with a creepy, coffin-dwelling atmosphere that puts Erste Beschwörung in a league all it's own, also incorporating eldritch doom and deathrock into this wildly bubbling cauldron. And it's early days still... No boundaries, no limitations: Hexenbrett digs it's own unique grave with Erste Beschwörung, and the cemetery is wide-fucking-open. The spell was cast, the demons are here - let the haunting begin!
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