Gillian Hills - Zou Bisou Bisou: Tout En Francais The Ye Ye Years
Gillian Hills - Zou Bisou Bisou: Tout En Francais The Ye Ye Years
2017 collection. Discovered by film director Roger Vadim, Cairo-born "British Bardot" Gillian Hills is best known for her roles in cult movies such as Beat Girl (1959), Fellini's Blow-Up (1966) and A Clockwork Orange (1971). Her parallel career as a teenage singer/songwriter saw her record for the Paris-based Barclay label and enjoy success on the burgeoning yé-yé scene. Encompassing sentimental ballads, beaty numbers plus Gillian's own well-crafted compositions, this 24-track best of comprises original material and cover versions. Gillian's catalog has been largely overlooked - Zou Bisou Bisou is the only single CD currently available. Having worked latterly as an illustrator, in 2012 the spotlight was once again thrown upon Gillian when 'Zou Bisou Bisou' featured prominently in Season 5 of MadMen. Courtesy of Alec Palao, Zou Bisou Bisou includes a new interview with the artist. Highly regarded by yé-yé aficionados, Gillian Hills is a welcome addition to Ace's French pop compendium.