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Intakt Records

Elias Stemeseder - Piano Solo

Elias Stemeseder - Piano Solo

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Born in 1990, pianist Elias Stemeseder has become a creative forceof contemporary jazz in recent years. Based primarily in New York since2015, the Austrian-born pianist has made a name for himself in a widevariety of advanced improvisational contexts. Up to now, Stemesederhas been content to work as a sideman, though all those familiar withhis work in the Jim Black Trio will know that he is a musician of remark -able skill, flair and imagination. His diverse playing ranges from songorientedto contemporary classical pieces to electronic music.His spirit of discovery leads him into different musical realms andthanks to his great empathy for the respective musical idiom, his pianoplaying always captivates with authenticity. Deeply rooted in the traditionof jazz and equipped with a fearless passion of experimentation, hedistinguishes himself on this solo album as a profound pianist with asovereign will to create. He is an inventive improviser whose playingsparkles with complexity and conceptual verve. On Piano Solo, Stemesederskillfully plays with structures and moods and presents an albumthat is laden with surprises and bursting with ideas.
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