Dumb and Dumber: The Animated Series
Dumb and Dumber: The Animated Series
The mind-blowing adventures of America's favorite morons take a surreal turn in this cartoon spin-off of the smash success comedy movie Dumb and Dumber. With Harry and Lloyd brought to vocal life by Bill Fagerbakke (Coach, Spongebob Squarepants) and Matt Frewer (Max Headroom, Gargoyles), with Tom Kenny (Spongebob Squarepants, Futurama) lending an assorted character assist and the film's co-writer Bennett Yellin overseeing the action, Dumb and Dumber fans are in store for some seriously stupid fun. The show starts off with the duo rescuing their dognapped van, Otto, and picking up one strange pet, Kitty, a purple beaver, then hits the road for the ridiculous with the pedal to the metal. No circumstance is to strange for this show's satire, from the.