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Die Zeit Nunmehr Vorhanden Ist/ Various - Die Zeit Nunmehr Vorhanden Ist

Die Zeit Nunmehr Vorhanden Ist/ Various - Die Zeit Nunmehr Vorhanden Ist

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The corona pandemic has changed and slowed down social life in large parts of the world in 2020. The musicians are particularly affected by this, for whom all performances have been cancelled for safety reasons. The SCHOLA HEIDELBERG has used this "free space" to gather the best singers of the region and to record choral movements of the Renaissance at Advent and Christmas with due safety distance. The philosopher Enno Rudolph has written texts about the time of crisis in which these choral movements were written, which - read in German by Bodo Primus - run through and explain the program. A part of the proceeds of this album will be donated to the musician's relief fund in Corona times of KlangForum Heidelberg.
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