This story centers around Celine, a loving wife to Caleb. Their happy marriage was turned upside down when Celine receives devastating news that she is unable to bear children. Just as she thought things couldn't get worse, she is hit with the news that not only is Caleb having an affair, but his mistress Fiona is pregnant with his child. When Caleb is confronted, he is remorseful and regrets his actions. Even so, now that a baby is Caleb's priority, he chooses to leave Celine for Fiona. This abrupt ending to their marriage causes Celine to spiral down a twisted path of obsession and revenge. Celine targets Fiona for taking what is hers and has her eyes on Caleb's unborn child. A turmoil of events orchestrated by Celine cause havoc on Caleb and Fiona's life. It all escalates when Celine sets up a plan for Fiona's demise. After arranging for Fiona's death, Celine devises a cunning plan to re-enter Caleb's life and become the mother to his son - Brody. Celine's plan succeeds, and just when she is feeling on top of the world, she is blindsided by the shocking appearance of Fabiola - Fiona's identical twin sister. Fabiola suddenly enters their lives as she wants to be part of Brody's upbringing. Celine's life once again begins to fall apart when clues of her involvement with Fiona's death begin to unravel.