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Ciconia/ Tasto Solo/ Perez/ Zanichelli/ Catalu - Le Chant de Leschiquier

Ciconia/ Tasto Solo/ Perez/ Zanichelli/ Catalu - Le Chant de Leschiquier

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This Chansonnier, which is how Tasto Solo and Guilleromo Pérez imagine this CD, offers a selection of most extraordinary ballades and rondeaux by Binchois and Dufay, in addition to compositions by Ciconia and Dunstable - the two great precursors of the so-called Franco-Flemish style - and other, perhaps less well-known though inspired composers such as Bruolo and Bedyngham.The acclaimed ensemble Tasto Solo claims and re-discovers virtuosic and highly refined musical repertoires from the 14th-15th centuries. Where gothic keyboard instruments became the cornerstone.
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