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Bobb Trimble - Iron Curtain Innocence

Bobb Trimble - Iron Curtain Innocence

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Before listening to 'Iron Curtain Innocence', Bobb Trimble welcomes you with a Tommy submachine gun salute-trigger finger poised, guitar at ease and knees bent while alone at the microphone. It's a gesture only to be topped by his back jacket call-out: "Dear John, Paul, George and Ringo, If I'm a good boy and work real hard, may I please be the 5th Beatle someday?" Born August 4, 1958 in Marlborough, MA, Bobb grew up in the Worcester suburb of Northborough feasting on the Beatles and later Bowie, Pink Floyd, and Queen. The music he went on to create wasn't an attempt to replicate the genius of those artists, but to stand alongside them with his own masterpiece of mythical, hysterical songwriting genius.
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