Bo Carter - Banana In Your Fruit Basket: Red Hot Blues 1931-36
Bo Carter - Banana In Your Fruit Basket: Red Hot Blues 1931-36
Bo Carter's family had a musical tradition going back to slavery times and he learned a great deal from it's very talentedmembers. As a Mississippi musician, Bo was steeped in the region's rich early blues repertoire, but was distinctive in addingto it a new level of sophistication rarely equaled by other blues artists. As a member of the great Mississippi Shieks bandhe encountered a wide range of traditional and pop styles and employed many of them in his innovative performances. Oneparticular part of his repertoire was the sexually suggestive double entendre blues that are featured here on this album. These recordings, which were demonstrably more original than any of his rivals, sold extremely well and helped Bo becomeone of the most prolific artists of the whole pre war blues period.