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Nippon Crown

Bloodthirsty Butchers - birdy

Bloodthirsty Butchers - birdy

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'Formed in Sapporo in 1986, Bloodthirsty Butchers, who continued to reign as one of Japan's leading rock bands, recorded three titles during their time at Columbia (2004-2005) for the first time on record day. The Bloodthirsty Butchers' first album after transferring to Nippon Columbia, which has been working with numerous labels. And, needless to say, Bloodthirsty Butchers changed from ? to ? as the first original album. 'JACK NICOLSON' recorded in the first song has lyrics like 'I want to step into this band, I want to exist in this band'. The enthusiasm of the band at that time can be felt not only from the songs, but also from the jacket composed of 'hands of all members' and 'red'. This 'red' expression has become an artwork that has forced even photographers and designers other than members to face difficulties. Not only the members, but also the creators and staff involved are packed with tension.

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