Benediction - Scriptures
Benediction - Scriptures
With over 30 years in the business and in a genre that not only refuses to die but is benefitting from a new lease on life, Benediction is back with "Scriptures", arguably their best release to date. Formed in 1989 Benediction was quickly picked up by German underground metal label Nuclear Blast Records, a partnership that lasts to this day. At it's core "Scriptures" is death metal, a subgenre Benediction helped popularize and perfect, fused with the punk rock anger and attitude. The heavy metal powertrain riffing has become a staple for the band. Aggressive monster vocals from Dave Ingram and that groove that sets them apart others in their field, that's Benediction. As usual, tracks vary from slow and heavy to fast and intense, from shorter in your face numbers to epic masterpieces. Benediction do not follow blueprints when it comes to the parameters of writing, but you won't doubt who you are listening to. It is clearly and intentionally Benediction, that will never change.