Aurelio Voltaire - Heart-Shaped Wound
Aurelio Voltaire - Heart-Shaped Wound
Dark cabaret artist Aurelio Voltaire returns to Projekt Records for a passionate collection of songs about love gained and love lost. His 11th studio album resulted from a tumultuous three-month relationship; in between his hectic touring schedule Voltaire found himself writing heart-wrenching songs brimming with anguish, regret and yearning. Heart-Shaped Wound goes past an 8.9 on the heartbreak scale. Throughout his 20-year career Voltaire has danced on the dark side with a sardonic smile. With a reputation for macabre, tongue-in-cheek songs, every once in a while someone comes along and breaks his heart, and the result is an album of heart-wrenching genre-defying musical storytelling. Often sarcastic, sometimes serious, always uniquely... Voltaire.