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Pan Classics

Aufschnaiter/ st. Florian Boys Choir/ Letzbor - Benedikt Anton Aufschnaiter: Memnon Sacer Ab

Aufschnaiter/ st. Florian Boys Choir/ Letzbor - Benedikt Anton Aufschnaiter: Memnon Sacer Ab

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Benedikt Anton Aufschnaiter is referred to as the Catholic Bach by ensemble leader Gunar Letzbor. Aufschnaiter cultivated a compositional style of polyphony using the rich imagery of the Catholic tradition. This new release from Pan Classics weaves together Aufschnaiter's Memnon sacer ab oriente and organ works by Franz Anton Hugl to create a beautiful work. The St. Florian Boys' Choir is joined by the ensemble Ars Antiqua Austria with Gunar Letzbor giving direction. Ars Antiqua Austria is a group that is dedicated to performing Austrian baroque music on period instruments. From its foundation in 1071, the St. Florian Boys' Choir has had a traditional part of the monastic worship at the St. Florian Monastery.

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