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Pyroclastic Records

Angelica Sanchez / Marilyn Crispell - How To Turn The Moon

Angelica Sanchez / Marilyn Crispell - How To Turn The Moon

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Piano duets have a long history dating back to the classic boogie woogies of Ammons-Lewis and Ellington-Strayhorn. Here, Angelica Sanchez and Marilyn Crispell mix intuition and spontaneity into their ten pieces. The result is a kaleidoscope of moods such as the suspenseful Hitchcockian "Lobe of the Fly" to the finger twisting Monkian angles of "Rain In Web". Flickering candles reminiscent of Mrs. Habersham in "Great Expectations" take place on " Ceiba Portal" and the digits explore the lower register on the lurking "Windfall Light". The ladies stride out on "Fires In Space" and display a Satie-esque classicism on the impressionistic "Sullivan's Universe". Fanciful phalanges.

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