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Secret Societies: Dark Secrets of the Nazis

Secret Societies: Dark Secrets of the Nazis

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Did Secret Societies create the first and second world wars? Were clandestine groups behind the rise of the Nazi Party? Scholars still accept the fact that the world wars were part of the age old European power struggle between the old world and the new - between royalty, politicians, communists and capitalists. But researchers now believe that WWII was the result of a massive, world-wide conspiracy set in place by an elusive secret society known as the illuminati. This secret sect is so powerful it not only controls economics and politics, but in conjunction with other clandestine groups is involved in manipulating countless facets of society while harboring staggering knowledge so ancient and guarded it is not shared with even the leaders of nations. Explore the influence of organizations cloaked in mystery that hold power over world events. This is the story of those secret powers and how they have influenced the world we live in today.

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