Murnez Blades - Spanish for Fun & Forever
Murnez Blades - Spanish for Fun & Forever
Author Biography: Murnez Blades is a bilingual and bicultural educator, fluent in reading, writing and speaking Spanish and English. She earned her B.A. from Baylor University and later completed an M.A. from the University of San Francisco. Inspired by her Grandfather, Grande, who rode on cattle trains into Mexico, Murnez studied in Mexico City in her early twenties. And, so began her passion for Hispanic culture and language. Spanish language and culture is her vocation and her avocation. Paul Molina, her son-in-law once commented, "You are more Hispanic than I am!" While serving as a translator with Medical Outreach programs to Mexico, she recognized the need for Medical Spanish communication. She now teaches her Spanish communication program at Goldenwest College, Huntington Beach, CA. Her studies in Mexico have included live-in programs in Cuernavaca and Oaxaca, Mexico and in San Jose, Costa Rica. Her passion for the culture led Murnez to know Fidelia, a curandera (healer), who shared some of her secrets and taught Murnez to respect this healing art in addition to, or as a compliment to traditional medical treatment. While teaching, Murnez developed a cost-effective cross-cultural program with both day excursions and a live-in study trips to Baja California and travels to Spain. With over 40 years of teaching experience, Ms. Blades remains passionate about creating motivational instruction for her students. In her company, Camino Español, she teaches "Spanish for Fun and Forever" to adults and to youth, some as young as 3 years old.