Ju-Jitsu Become a Black Belt
Ju-Jitsu Become a Black Belt
Learn methods applicable to all Martial Arts and Combat Sports! Daily practice and attendance in martial arts and combat sports provide the practitioner with solid technical and mental skill. Thanks to steady and constant effort in practice, the beginner will increasingly master his art. The practitioner must build an essential technical base which will be transferable to the practice of feet-fists, hand to hand, throws and ground. This base will be the first step to becoming a complete practitioner in all combat distances. The DVD demonstrates the acquisition of fundamentals in the art of combat, educational exercises to build good bases with a partner, and session preparation. Instructors Eric Candori and Olivier D'Amario are 4th Dan black belt in Judo and Ju-Jitsu, former internationals, state certified, ranked in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and black belt in full contact. These two state-certified teachers will share with you their experiences in the practice of martial arts and combat sports.