Jesse Ferguson - The Parting Glass
Jesse Ferguson - The Parting Glass
The Parting Glass gathers Irish, Scottish, Canadian and American folk songs that recount the various partings people have and still must endure, from leaving one's country to losing a loved one. Jesse's own song, "The Sun Set on My Love," attempts to honour and extend this tradition. On this CD Jesse performed all vocals, including harmonies, and instrumentals, including guitar, mandolin, fiddle, bodhran, djembe, tambourine, fife, penny whistle, harmonica, Jew's harp and rhythm bones. He also recorded, mixed and mastered the songs on Mixcraft 5, and he designed the covers of the album. Thanks to Anna Daniels for the front, back and disc images, and to Laura Ferguson for the image on the insert. Additional, profuse thanks to the musician's beautiful wife, Laura, for supporting the project and for sitting quietly in the bedroom while it was recorded.