Beautiful Beast - Adult Oriented Candy
Beautiful Beast - Adult Oriented Candy
Welcome back in 1989... Big hair, tight pants, ripped shirts, cowboy boots... Fast guitar solos, huge choirs, catchy hooks, thunder drums - rings a bell? Well, the posers are here - and they are ready to take you back to the glory days of Hair Metal, AOR and Melodic Hard Rock. Don't wanna come? We're sorry for you... Ready to go? Then jump onto the Beautiful Beast time machine. Date set: 1989... Beautiful Beast ist the new (and first ever) band of singer/guitarist Julian Angel, a Germany born musician, composer, singer, guitarist, German Rock Awards nominee - but mainly a guy who has been stuck in the 1980s and is damn proud of it. Julian knows that it's not only him. The days of Rock and Roll Extravaganza had a lasting impact on thousands (or do we even dare say 'millions') of rockers out there who still keep listening to the records they have bought in the 1980s, watch the videos, movies and, hey-ho, dress up the way they used to back then. Enter some of today's kids. Too young - or not even born yet - to witness that era or to remember what happened then, but all fired up about a world they wish they had lived in. Beautiful Beast's debut album "Adult Oriented Candy" (Rockload/G.T.O.) addresses exactly these yesterday's people with music so out-dated, looks that worn-out plus an attitude ignored by most people today and a bold promise: Looks, sounds and feels like 1989 !!! And they deliver. 11 songs that capture the spirit of Hair Metal, AOR, Glam and Sleaze, feature the typical power ballad and the 'you can make it if you try' fighter's anthem which had been so prominent in that decade. Are Beautiful Beast posers? Yes, damn right! That's simply because between 1980 and 1990 you had the right to be proud of being a musician and to show it all off on stage. However, Julian Angel, Frank McDouglas and Ro Lee back it up with solid musicianship which takes the music's quality beyond the (mistakenly) ordinary power-chord strumming and bawling, but presents well thought up arrangements, catchy melodies and - welcome back - guitar riffs. So jump in your car, put the top down and cruise the streets while you're blasting "Adult Oriented Candy" at maximum volume. Whichever way you may choose to listen, we hope it will make you take out your old cowboy boots and leather skirt (if you're a female) and tease up your hair with a full can of Aqua Net or any similar product (boy or girl, just do it).