Assad/ Vianna - Assad Gismonti Metheny Town
Assad/ Vianna - Assad Gismonti Metheny Town
The division that punctuated music in the 20th century and demarcated it's classical and popular sides began to dissolve in the last quarter of the century. This gradual and natural event gave rise to the birth of the current musicians of the 21st century. Musical improvisation, a practice introduced by jazz musicians, was a key point in this transformation. More recently it has become part of the training program for musicians who have careers linked to classical music. This new musician is more open-minded compared to musicians of the past and is generally curious and interested indifferent styles of music. The intent of this brief introduction is to clarify and situate the musical aesthetics of this album by the Aliéksey Vianna Quartet. The selected composers fit perfectly the description of the new musicians. Almost all of them have something in common, starting with their musical instrument, the classical guitar, and they all move freely between the intricacies of music labeled as classical, jazz and popular. The Aliéksey Vianna Quartet brings together an excellent group of instrumentalists, all with individual careers and extensive experience in instrumental ensembles. Through the nine tracks of this album, each of them has the opportunity to shine, demonstrating versatility and creativity.