Animation - Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Dream (Original Soundtrack)
Animation - Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Dream (Original Soundtrack)
This is a 3 CD set of original soundtracks that contains over 60 songs used in the game "Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams", the 25th anniversary title of the "Atelier" series! In addition to the complete score used in the game, it also includes the avant title theme sung by Suzuyu, the outro theme sung by Yuka Kondo, and the insert song sung by Haruka Shimotsuki! This soundtrack contains all of the fascinating songs that color the world of "Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of Mysterious Dreams". The cover artwork features a new illustration drawn by NOCO for this soundtrack! Furthermore! As a CD enclosed bonus, a serial code to download the music book "Otonohana no Shirabe 21" is also included! (By entering the enclosed download serial at the special website, you can download the data of the music book "Otonohana no shirabe 21". Download deadline: February 22, 2025)